The frst international tall ships race in the region’s contemporary history took place in AugustSeptember 2018 in the Russian Far East. The regatta was held under the patronage of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The organising committee for preparing and holding international tall ships regattas in Russia in
SCF Far East Tall Ships Regatta 2018

The awards ceremony for winners of the SCF Far East Tall Ships Regatta held in Vladivostok, Russia, was attended by: Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation; Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China; Shinzo Abe, Japan’s Prime Minister; Lee Nak-yeon, Prime Minister of South Korea and Khaltmaagiin Battulga, President of Mongolia.
Sovcomflot was the initiator, title sponsor and one of the organisers of the regatta. With the support of the company, the international tall ship regattas are held in Russia on a regular basis. The company is confdent that marine sports attract youth’s interest in the maritime profession.
Sailing practice has always been and remains the most important element of the professional training system for cadets of maritime universities. International events of such level contribute to increasing youth’s interest in the maritime profession and strengthening good neighbourly relations among States and peoples, traditions of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

The regatta was offcially launched in Yeosu (South Korea) and ended in Vladivostok. The arrival of the ships to Vladivostok was timed to coincide with the 4th Eastern Economic Forum. 7 tall ships and 62 yachts from Russia, Indonesia, China, Korea and Japan took part in the competition. Crews of these ships included over 450 young sailors — cadets and sailor boys.
The prize for the frst place in the regatta was presented to the captain of the Russian sailing ship Nadezhda. The Japanese Kaiwo Maru was awarded for contribution to the development of sailing traditions and seamanship. The crew of the schooner Koreana from South Korea won the International Marine Brotherhood award. The Friendship Prize for contribution to the development of international cooperation and mutual understanding was presented to the crew of the tall ship Bima Suci (Indonesia).