Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board of PAO Sovcomflot

Sergey Frank was elected Chief Executive Officer on 4 October 2004 by an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PAO Sovcomflot. The powers of Sergey Frank as PAO Sovcomflot Chief Executive Officer were extended for five years by a resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Instructions No. 432-r of the Federal Agency for State Property Management dated 19 June 2015).

The rights and obligations of the Chief Executive Officer and members of the Executive Board on managing the current activities of PAO Sovcomflot are determined by Federal Law No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies” dated 26 December 1995, other legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter, Regulations on the Management Bodies and internal regulations of PAO Sovcomflot, as well as contracts determining the rights and obligations of the Chief Executive Officer and members of the Executive Board concluded by each of them with PAO Sovcomflot .

The Chief Executive Officer exercises the functions of Chairman of the Executive Board, acts without a power of attorney on behalf of PAO Sovcomflot, and approves internal regulations governing production, technological, financial, accounting, business, HR, and occupational health and safety issues.

The Executive Board operates within the limits of its competence determined by the Charter and ensures the implementation of resolutions of General Meetings of Shareholders and Board of Directors of PAO Sovcomflot.

Information on members of the PAO Sovcomflot Executive Board (as at 31 December 2018)

Chairman of the Executive Board

Sergey Frank

Chief Executive Officer, Member of the PAO Sovcomflot Board of Directors

Born in 1960

Education: Admiral Nevelskoy Far Eastern Higher Marine Engineering College (FEHMEC), specialising in Maritime Navigation; Far Eastern State University, specialising in Jurisprudence. Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences.

34 years of experience in the industry, 14 years in SCF Group

Executive Board Members

Evgeny Ambrosov

Senior Executive Vice-President of PAO Sovcomflot

Born in 1957

Education: Admiral Nevelskoy Far Eastern Higher Marine Engineering College (FEHMEC), specialising in Maritime Navigation.

39 years of experience in the industry, 12 years in SCF Group

Vladimir Emelyanov

Vice President and Head of Strategic Planning and Development of PAO Sovcomflot.

Born in 1969

Education: Moscow Finance Institute, specialising in International Economic Relations; Joint programme of the Madrid School of Business (Spain) and the Bauer College of Business of the University of Houston (USA), MBA.

7 years of experience in the industry and in SCF Group

Nikolay Kolesnikov

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of PAO Sovcomflot

Born in 1963

Education: Moscow Finance Institute, specialising in International Economic Relations; Instituto de Empresa (Madrid, Spain), International Executive MBA.

21 years of experience in the industry, 13 years in SCF Group

Callum Ludgate

Managing Director, Member of the Board of Directors of Sovcomflot (UK) Ltd.

Born in 1969

Education: Southampton University

25 years of experience in the industry and in SCF Group

Marios Christou Orphanos

Managing Director of Sovcomflot (Cyprus) Limited

Born in 1972

Education: University of Manchester, degree in Accounting and Finance; Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

23 years of experience in the industry, 18 years in SCF Group

Alexey Ostapenko

Vice President and Administrative Director of PAO Sovcomflot

Born in 1972

Education: Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specialising in Jurisprudence; Russian Government Finance Academy, specialising in Finance and Credit; London Metropolitan University, degree in Maritime Law.

21 years of experience in the industry, 16 years in SCF Group

Sergey Popravko

Member of the Board of Directors, Managing Director–Fleet Director of SCF Management Services (Dubai) Ltd.

Born in 1961

Education: Admiral Nevelskoy Far Eastern Higher Marine Engineering College (FEHMEC), specialising in Maritime Navigation; World Maritime University (Sweden), degree in Shipping Company Management; Academy of the National Economy, DBA (Doctor of Business Administration); Swiss Business School (Zurich), DBA.

34 years of experience in the industry, 13 years in SCF Group

Igor Tonkovidov

Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of PAO Sovcomflot

Born in 1964

Education: Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, specialising in Ship Machinery; University of London, degree in Financial Management.

32 years of experience in the industry, 19 years in SCF Group

During the reporting period the PAO Sovcomflot Board of Directors also included Yury Tsvetkov . His powers as a member of the PAO Sovcomflot Executive Board were terminated on 9 October 2018 in connection with his appointment as Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The Chief Executive Officer and members of the Executive Board of PAO Sovcomflot did not own shares in the Company during the reporting period, nor made any transactions for the acquisition or disposal of Company shares.

Based on a decision of the Executive Board, the following committees have been established and operate at Sovcomflot to preliminarily consider issues and prepare recommendations for the Executive Board and Chief Executive Officer:

  • Committee for Maritime Safety, Environmental Protection, Quality and New Technologies
  • Finance Committee
  • Investment and Asset Management Committee
  • Freight Committee
  • Committee for Corporate Identity and Public Relations
  • Committee for Social and HR Policy and Corporate Ethics
  • Committee for Information Technologies
  • Insurance Committee
  • Committee for Technical Policy – Technical Council
Number of Executive Board meetings, 2016-2018
Number of issues considered by the Executive Board, 2016-2018

Three out of the 55 meetings of the Executive Board were held by absentee voting. A total of 140 issues were considered at the Executive Board meetings in 2018.

The Executive Board adopted decisions on the following main areas of activity of PAO Sovcomflot at its meetings in 2018:

  • Implementing the development strategy of Sovcomflot Group;
  • Renewing the Sovcomflot Group fleet and expanding the Group’s participation in industrial projects;
  • Improving the corporate and organisational structure of the Group;
  • Expanding the social guarantees and benefit packages for fleet and onshore personnel;
  • Charitable and sponsorship programmes of PAO Sovcomflot and Sovcomflot Group;
  • Approval of internal documents falling within the competence of the Executive Board.